The Society of Dyers and Colourists

The Society of Dyers and Colourists

For quite a few years I have been a member of the Society of Dyers and Colourists and am currently a Trustee. Whilst at first glance you would think they only are relevant to synthetic dyers (and I have to admit that they are certainly that way inclined!) I have found them very helpful over the years and really appreciate being a member. They are in reality our own trade body and it would make sense that all dyers should be members. An International organisation with branches and or members in most Continents helping with dye chemistry and environmental issues. Take a look at their Facebook page to get an idea.

Perkins Purple
Perkins Purple

They are based in Bradford West Yorkshire and have a superb archive partly in the depths of the cellar, covering from the mid 19th Century (Books, book and more books and Journals…and….and…) and partly at Bradford College, where they have information on textiles including sample books, pattern books, student samples, journals, Company documents…..

One of the most important things they do is Education, with their own professional colouration qualifications to support careers in colour,  (these are internationally recognised and the ASDC  equates to degree standard.) Unfortunately there is not yet a module on Natural Dyes, but I think that one of the things we forget about is the fibres we are colouring – and they are certainly covered!

I would love to start a “Natural Dyes” Group within the Society, why not join me and lets show them how it “was” done!